
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 2024 Dividend Stock Purchases

As I'm writing this blog post, it is currently Monday, June 17. Summer is just three days away and the temperatures reflect this reality. Tomorrow is expected to top a high of 90 degrees Fahrenheit here in Central Wisconsin.

With that aside, my dividend stock purchases are largely complete for this month. So, I will be briefly covering my purchase activity for June 2024.

Dividend Stock Purchase #1: American Water Works (AWK)

My first dividend stock purchase for the month was four shares of American Water Works at an average cost of $128.39 a share. This lifted my net annual forward dividends by $12.24, which equates to a 2.38% net dividend yield.

Curious readers can review my June 2024 Dividend Stock Watch List blog post for my buying rationale.

Dividend Stock Purchase #2: VICI Properties (VICI)

The next dividend stock purchase that I made in June was 20 shares of VICI Properties at an average price per share of $28.35. This boosted my net annual forward dividends by $33.20, which works out to a 5.86% average dividend yield.

Interested readers can find my thoughts on VICI within the aforementioned June 2024 Dividend Stock Watch List blog post.

Dividend Stock Purchase #3: WEC Energy Group (WEC)

The final dividend stock purchase I completed for the month was seven shares of WEC Energy Group at an average cost of $79.22 a share. This increased my net annual forward dividends by $23.38, which is equivalent to a 4.22% net dividend yield.

My investment thesis for this purchase can also be found in my June 2024 Dividend Stock Watch List blog post.

Concluding Thoughts:

My net annual forward dividends grew by about $72 including reinvested dividends from my Capital Income Builder (CAIBX) retirement account. Overall, the $1,635.10 in capital that I deployed in my IRA was at a 4.21% weighted average dividend yield.

My net annual forward dividends grew by $9.034 from announced dividend increases during the month as well.

I also made downward adjustments to my dividends from GSK (accounting for the Haleon spin-off and currency translation) and for ADR fees/currency translation for BTI and ENB. Along with upward adjustments to CAIBX (assuming 2023 dividends and special dividends moving forward) and MAIN (including special dividends), I believe my dividends are more accurately accounted for in my spreadsheet now.

These actions resulted in a $47.66 increase in my net annual forward dividends. Overall, this is how my net annual forward dividends rose from $4,640 heading into June to nearly $4,770 exiting the month.


How was your capital deployment for June 2024?

Did you start any new positions during the month?

As always, I appreciate your readership and welcome your comments below!

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