
Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Review of 2024 Goals

As I'm writing this blog post, 2024 has recently concluded. The weather here in Central Wisconsin isn't bad for this time of the year, either. The high is expected to reach a balmy 26 degrees Fahrenheit today, January 1st.

Now that we have entered a new calendar year, it would be a good time to look at how I fared in achieving my goals in 2024. Without further ado, let's dig into it!

Financial Goals for 2024

1. Generate at least 20% growth in net dividends collected - Pass

In 2024, I received $4,781.80 in net dividends across my accounts. That equates to a 22% growth rate versus the amount collected in 2023. Thus, I narrowly surpassed this goal. Dividend raises and my allocation of nearly $24,000 in fresh capital contributed to this uptick in my net dividend income.

2. Grow net annual forward dividends by 20% by the end of the year - Pass

Heading into 2025, my net annual forward dividends are right around $5,455. That's good enough for a 26.5% growth rate versus the $4,315 in net annual forward dividends heading into 2024. As a result, I exceeded this goal.

Why the disconnect between net dividends collected and net annual forward dividends? I didn't put capital to work in the last few months of 2023 and the first few months of 2024. This limited the growth in my net dividends received to start 2024.

Personal Goals for 2024

1. Jog at Least 10 Miles a Week - Mostly Pass

Throughout 2024, I met my goal of jogging 10 miles a week all but a handful of weeks. For the most part, my failure to fully meet this goal was because my family recently purchased a stationary bike. I've been getting more into that lately, so I haven't been using the treadmill quite as much. That's why I would say I mostly met this goal.

2. Lift Weights at Least Four Times a Week - Mostly Pass

Minus a couple of occasions in 2024, I lifted weights four times each week. I finished the year doing three sets of 12 reps of various movements with 10 lb dumb bells. That was less than my initial goal of 15 lb dumb bells. However, the route that I have been taking is paying off. I've been happy with my incremental gains in muscle and want to continue that in a sustainable way (e.g., avoiding injury and a setback). That's why I give myself a mostly pass on this goal.

3. Publish a Blog Post Each Week - Pass

I published 52 blog posts in 2024, so I managed to post one blog each week. That has been the case since the start of this blog and I hope to continue this tradition into 2025 and beyond.

Concluding Thoughts

Overall, 2024 was a solid year for me. I met or exceeded three out of my five goals for the year. The other two that I didn't technically meet still represented solid progress for me. This blog post won't be published until January 7th, but I wanted to close by wishing everyone a great start to the New Year!


How was your 2024?

Did you achieve your goals?

I appreciate your readership and look forward to your comments below!

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